Lower School

Parents Make The Difference.
The Lower School Parent-Teacher Fellowship (PTF) is an organization made up of parent volunteers dedicated to supporting the students, families, staff and faculty of Hyde Park. Some of the PTF volunteer committees include: Hospitality, Spiritual Emphasis, Homecoming, Mother-Son Event, Father-Daughter Dance, Teacher Treats, Yearbook, Uniform Resale, and Grade Level Representatives.
Volunteering with the PTF is a great way to quickly become immersed in our school community, meet other parents, and serve.
Our Lower School PTF Team
Shayna Vedadi
Melissa Maldonado
Kelly Davison
Sarah Grant
Taylor Cervenka
Mia McCord
Past President

Get Involved.
Please join us for our monthly meetings held at the Speedway campus. Dates will be set at the start of the 2024 school year.
For more information, please visit the link below.