
Learning Environment For Academic Progress
The purpose of the LEAP program is to provide academic support for students formally diagnosed with an identified learning difference to help meet the academic expectations of Hyde Park Schools. The program strives to provide a supportive and enriching environment in which students can achieve success by developing and managing strategies for lifelong learning. The ultimate goal of the program is to provide support for each student to embrace his or her abilities and acquire an individualized method of learning to maximize strengths and achieve success within the classroom.
Admissions standards are the same for all students who apply to Hyde Park Schools. Admission to Hyde Park Schools may be conditional with enrollment in the LEAP program. While we are experienced and equipped to offer academic support for a variety of learning differences, we are unable to provide special education services such as assistance in the classroom, modifications in the curriculum, including reduced workload, or behavior modification plans.
The elementary LEAP program is available for students in Grades 3-5. Students who are accepted into the elementary LEAP program attend LEAP class three times a week, in addition to small group testing opportunities during the week. Additional fees apply in addition to yearly tuition. The LEAP class sessions consist of a small group designed to focus on applying instructional strategies, which align with the classroom curriculum to enhance academic understanding. Students will work on study skills, organizational skills, time management, communication skills, and executive functioning skills, as grade-level appropriate. The LEAP class focuses on curriculum content meant to supplement, but not to replace, dyslexia language therapy for those identified students. Students with a dyslexia or reading deficit diagnosis who have not fully completed a dyslexia language program may need to continue language therapy outside of the LEAP program. The ultimate goal of the elementary LEAP program is to prepare students to be independent self-advocates as they enter middle school. Annual LEAP Meetings are held with parents, the LEAP teacher, and LEAP Coordinator to create an Individual Accommodation Plan (IAP) in accordance with the accommodations supported by the LEAP program
LEAP Admissions:
The LEAP program is available for students with diagnosed learning differences who have demonstrated that they are academically able, behaviorally able, and independently able to be successful with the HP curriculum with appropriate accommodations. Some students will be accepted with the condition that they are enrolled in the LEAP program. HP is unable to provide special education services such as assistance in the classroom, modifications in curriculum, including reduced workload, or behavior modification plans.
A complete copy of your child’s full neurological testing dated within the last three years must be submitted with the full application. Students applying to LEAP must indicate on their application and submit the required documents for review by the admissions committee. Some 504 plans are not a complete assessment, and additional assessment may be requested. Complete disclosure is necessary to ensure that the school can meet the needs of your child and that your child will be successful with the HP curriculum. At HP, our goal is to create a close partnership of support between our school and your family.
LEAP Annual Fee:
$2,500 per year
The LEAP program offers two different levels for students to enroll in; additional yearly fees apply per level.
Students accepted into Level 1 of LEAP attend a daily LEAP class and receive an Individualized Accommodation Plan (IAP). The LEAP class sessions consist of a small group designed to focus on applying instructional strategies, which align with the classroom curriculum to enhance academic understanding and encourage students to self-advocate in preparation for their future education. The teachers in LEAP work with students on study skills, organizational skills, time management, communication skills, and executive function skills, etc. The LEAP class focuses on curriculum content meant to supplement, but not to replace, Dyslexia language therapy for those identified students. Students receive a grade for the LEAP class and elective credit. Students are eligible to receive limited classroom academic and testing accommodations with valid documentation. Annual LEAP Meetings are held with the LEAP Coordinator, LEAP Teacher, and parents to discuss the student’s progress, receive teacher feedback, and review accommodations. Students in Level 1 of LEAP who have proven to be successful without daily intervention and developed the necessary skills and strategies to be independently successful may transition to the Level 2 option for the remainder of Middle School with the option to transition to Level 1 beginning in High School.
LEAP Annual Fee:
$3,500 per year
Students accepted into Level 2 of LEAP receive an Individualized Accommodation Plan (IAP). Students in Level 1 of LEAP who have proven to be successful without daily intervention and developed the necessary skills and strategies to be independently successful may transition to the Level 2 option. Level 2 does not include the daily LEAP class. Students are eligible to receive limited classroom academic and testing accommodations with valid documentation. Annual LEAP Meetings are held with the LEAP Coordinator, LEAP teacher, and parents to discuss the student’s progress, receive teacher feedback, and review accommodations.
LEAP Annual Fee:
$1,500 per year
The LEAP program is available for students with diagnosed learning differences who have demonstrated that they are academically able, behaviorally able, and independently able to be successful with the HP curriculum with appropriate accommodations. Some students will be accepted with the condition that they are enrolled in the LEAP program. HP is unable to provide special education services such as assistance in the classroom, modifications in the curriculum, including reduced workload, or behavior modification plans.A complete copy of your child’s full neurological testing dated within the last three years must be submitted with the application. Students applying to LEAP must indicate on their admissions application and submit the required documents for review by the admissions committee. Complete disclosure is necessary to ensure that the school can meet the needs of your child and that your child will be successful with the HP curriculum. At HP, our goal is to create a close partnership of support between our school and your family.Eligibility decisions for the LEAP program are based primarily on the student’s documented learning difference from a recent, complete, approved psychoeducational evaluation. Students' qualification for the program is based on evidence demonstrating there is a true academic need for the student to receive academic supports and/or accommodations.
The LEAP program offers two different levels for students to enroll in; additional yearly fees apply per level.
Students accepted into Level 1 of LEAP attend a daily LEAP class and receive an Individualized Accommodation Plan (IAP). The LEAP class sessions consist of a small group designed to focus on applying instructional strategies, which align with the classroom curriculum to enhance academic understanding and encourage students to self advocate in preparation for their future education. The teachers in LEAP work with students on study skills, organizational skills, time management, communication skills and executive function skills etc. The LEAP class focuses on curriculum content meant to supplement, but not to replace, Dyslexia language therapy for those identified students. Students receive a grade for the LEAP class and elective credit. Students are eligible to receive limited classroom academic and testing accommodations with valid documentation. Students are also able to request accommodations for national achievement testing. Assistance is provided for application through College Board for PSAT/SAT/AP exams and for the ACT test. College Board and ACT determine official approval of testing accommodations. Student led Annual LEAP Meetings are held with the LEAP Coordinator, LEAP Teacher and parents to discuss the student’s progress, receive teacher feedback, review accommodations and discuss exploring post-secondary options to start building a well-designed transition plan to foster the self-advocacy skills necessary for a successful transition to college. Students in Level 1 of LEAP who have proven to be successful without daily intervention and developed the necessary skills and strategies to be independently successful may transition to the Level 2 option.
LEAP Annual Fee:
$3,500 per year
Students accepted into Level 2 of LEAP receive an Individualized Accommodation Plan (IAP) and have the opportunity to attend before/after school tutorials with the LEAP teachers. The fee for Level 2 of LEAP costs $1,500.00 per year in addition to yearly tuition. Students in Level 1 of LEAP who have proven to be successful without daily intervention and developed the necessary skills and strategies to be independently successful may transition to the Level 2 option. Level 2 does not include the daily LEAP class. Students are eligible to receive limited classroom academic and testing accommodations with valid documentation. Students are also able to request accommodations for national achievement testing. Assistance is provided for application through College Board for PSAT/SAT/AP exams and for the ACT test. College Board and ACT determine official approval of testing accommodations. Student led Annual LEAP Meetings are held with the LEAP Coordinator, LEAP Teacher and parents to discuss the student’s progress, receive teacher feedback, review accommodations and discuss exploring post- secondary options to start building a well-designed transition plan to foster the self-advocacy skills necessary for a successful transition to college.
LEAP Annual Fee:
$1,500 per year
The LEAP program is available for students with diagnosed learning differences who have demonstrated that they are academically able, behaviorally able, and independently able to be successful with the HP curriculum with appropriate accommodations. Some students will be accepted with the condition that they are enrolled in the LEAP program. HP is unable to provide special education services such as assistance in the classroom, modifications in curriculum, including reduced workload, or behavior modification plans.A complete copy of your child’s full neurological testing dated within the last three years must be submitted with the LEAP application. Students applying to LEAP must indicate on their admissions application and submit the required documents for review by the admissions committee. Complete disclosure is necessary to ensure that the school can meet the needs of your child and that your child will be successful with the HP curriculum. At HP, our goal is to create a close partnership of support between our school and your family. Eligibility decisions for the LEAP program are based primarily on the student’s documented learning difference from a recent, complete, approved psychoeducational evaluation. Students qualification for the program is based on evidence demonstrating there is a true academic need for the student to receive academic supports and/or accommodations.