9th-12th Grade

Upper School

Upper School
Average Class Size

Developing Strong Leaders

As students enter Hyde Park Upper School, they encounter caring teachers, a challenging curriculum, and various courses that meet their needs to become student leaders. From Spanish to Calculus to AP English IV, students achieve their highest potential. Our academics are designed to challenge students. A full range of academic offerings includes Dual Credit Courses, AP and Advanced courses, as well as the LEAP Program, a successful academic support program specifically for students with diagnosed learning differences. At Hyde Park Upper School, family expectations are high and results are proven. Our students complete their high school careers academically, socially, and spiritually prepared for our nation’s top universities.

Hyde Park Upper School has a student culture committed to leadership, service, and integrity. Christ-centered leadership skills are also developed through Student Council, National Honor Society, Youth and Government, Yearbook/Newspaper, and weekly Chapel. Students learn first-hand about serving others by participating in a school-wide Day of Service where students, faculty, and staff band together to reach out to serve the local community through Panther Days.  

Hours spent studying, rehearsing, learning, and growing ... it all comes down to graduation day. All students graduate under the Distinguished Graduate degree plan. Click the Course Catalog button for detailed course information.

Biblical Integration

Hyde Park Schools is deeply convicted by the calling and privilege to influence the spiritual development of students. With this in mind, students are invited to encounter Christ not just in their core classes, but through intentional course offerings and events that encourage their growth in the Christian faith.

All freshmen are given a strong foundation as they take Biblical Survey and learn God’s story from Genesis to Revelation and the fundamental tenets of the Christian faith.

All Sophomores will take The Gospels and study from a biblical perspective the journey of Christ and his disciples. Students are exposed to the purpose and content of the Gospels, critical issues of the Gospels, and textual issues of the Gospels. This class will focus on the life, ministry, and teaching of Jesus. Students will engage with the "Good News" of Jesus and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.

All Juniors will take World Religions and examine the history, beliefs, and practices of major world religions, cults, and new religious movements. These groups are compared to and contrasted with the teachings of historic, orthodox Christianity.

All Seniors will take Apologetics in the Fall semester and journey deeper into why Christianity provides the most compelling, livable, and coherent view of life that fulfills the deepest longings of the human heart. In the Spring seniors will take a Senior seminar course and learn how to confidently talk about their faith in light of the current culture and other world religions. Seniors will be required to complete a full presentation regarding findings from a culmination of their Bible courses at HP.  

Course Catalog

Upper School Leadership

Adora Matangira
Upper School
Alonzo Blankenship
Assistant Principal
Upper School
Ruth Wrubel
Assistant Principal
Upper School
Melanie Challberg
Student Support Counselor
Upper School
Marcia Turner
Student Life Coordinator
Upper School
Shirley Carr
College & Academic Counselor
Upper School
Tonya Axworthy
Melissa Frausto
College & Academic Counselor
Upper School
Ashley Danks
LEAP Coordinator
Upper School
Brit Ging
Director of Operations
Upper School
Carrie Rich, RN
Registered Nurse
Upper School



Unofficial transcripts for current students are available for viewing by logging into OnCampus.

Alumni Official Transcripts

Official transcripts can be requested for any Hyde Park alumni or former student. Please contact the Registrar to request a transcript to be sent on your behalf.


Tonya Axworthy